Advances in Global Economics and Business Journal (AGEBJ)

About this Journal

Advances in Global Economic And Business Journal  is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online & print publication of scholarly articles. AGEBJ features publications of original research from all disciplines within business, economy, finance and any related topic. By not excluding papers on the basis of Subject Areas, AGEBJ facilitates the discovery of the connections between papers whether within or between disciplines.It provides:

  • Open-access—freely accessible online, authors retain copyright
  • Fast publication times
  • Peer review by expert, practicing researchers
  • Post-publication tools to indicate quality and impact
  • Community-based dialogue on articles
  • Worldwide media coverage


Student special edition of AGEBJ


Student special edition of AGEBJ is targeted at publishing the most influential student's research on international business and related areas.

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): December 2024

Published: 2024-12-20

How Does Starbucks Develop Brand Loyalty Among Its Customers in Asia ? : Insights From Malaysia, Indonesia, and India

Thiam Yong Kuek, Rosmelisa Yusof, Sushmithaa A/P Selvam, Siti Ramizah Binti Roslan, Son Rakh A/L Aibau, Xinyi, Su, Isha Vats, Jahnavi Singhal, Khushi Chaudhary, Daisy Mui Hung Kee


Assessing Adequacy of University Rewards in Meeting Students’ Needs

Adlan Afiq Musyrif bin Azhar, Ahmad Hafizin bin Mohd Suhaimi, Ahmad Hanif Haiqal bin Abdul Nasir, Ahmad Zikrullah bin Mohd Razally


From Cash to Clicks: The Impact of Touch’n Go on Student Financial Behaviors

Sakshi Kaim, Koay Loke Kean, Aeisyah Binti Ahmad Khairul, Nurfarhani Binti Tarmidzi, Nurul Asyikin Binti Sulaiman, Nurfarah Alya Binti Shamsul Anuar, Nurdini Binti Anuar, Daisy Mui Hung Kee


Investigating the Relationship between the Factors and Customer Satisfaction in Online Platform

Kia Hui Gan, Wei Sheng Lim, Sheue Hui Lim, Praveen Aronkar, Xinyuan Lin, Maisarah Binti Meor Hashim, Mas Dalyna Binti Saadon, Desta Safa Nur Akmalia, Rosa Ayu Dewanti, Rr. Shafana Syafiyyah Putri, Vedika Bajpayee, Daisy Mui Hung Kee

A Study of Marketing Mix on McDonald’s: Evidence from Malaysia

Xin Yan Tan, Jia Qi Tan, Jing Wen Tan, Xuan Wei Tan, Daisy Mui Hung Kee


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Schedule of publication in AGEBJ (10 June )

Manuscript submitted: 20  March
Manuscript revised: 20 April
Accepted for publication: 20 May

Schedule of publication in AGEBJ (10 December )

Manuscript submitted: 20 September
Manuscript revised: 20 October
Accepted for publication: 20 November


Published by : Faculty of Economy and Business Mahasaraswati University. Denpasar Indonesia
Partner with The Global Academia Publisher

Editorial Office:

Faculty of Economy and Business Mahasaraswati University. Denpasar Indonesia
 +62 (0361) 227019

E-ISSN: 2723-2042 (Online)

ISSN: 2723-7133 (Print)



Advances in Global Economics and Business Journal (AGEB) INDEXED: